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durian is a big fruit with a strong smell and a hard shell with sharp thorns. Its flavour is loved by some people, especially in Southeast Asia. the flavor of which is reputed to be so delectable that it is commonly known in Southeast Asia as the "king of fruits." But perhaps even more notable about the durian than its taste is its remarkably foul odor. . Many hotels and public transportation systems do not let people carry durians because of the strong smell, which many people find unpleasant.
Durian's flavour has been compared to custard and almonds. There are many different kinds of durian. Many people like some kinds more than they like others. This means that some kinds cost more than others.
Image result for DURIAN

The fruit can grow up to 30 cm (12 in) long and 15 cm (6 in) in diameter, and usually weighs one to three kg (2 to 7 lb).
The island of Borneo is generally accepted as the original geographic origin and center of diversity of the genus Durio.
It has been reported that Durio has about 27 recognized 
.  The island of Borneo has 19 indigenous or native species of Durio while the island of Sumatra has 7 native species. Peninsular Malaysia has 11 species. Myanmar has 2 recognized species indigenous to the country. It was also hypothesized that a land bridge connected Palawan in the Philippines with Borneo during the pleistocene era with D. zibethinus L. found occurring naturally on Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago as well as Palawan. 

Durian is used in sweet and savory dishes. Both the creamy flesh and seeds are edible, although the seeds need to be cooked.
The flavor is described as tasting like cheese, almonds, garlic and caramel, all at once.
Here are some of the most common food preparations of durian fruit:
  • Juice.
  • Seeds, boiled or roasted.
  • In soup.
  • Candy, ice cream and other desserts.
  • As a vegetable side dish.
It is also used in traditional medicine and has some medicinal properties that are currently being studied.
  • Reduce cancer risk. Its antioxidants may neutralize cancer-promoting free radicals. In one study, durian extract prevented a strain of breast cancer cells from spreading.
  • Prevent heart disease. Several compounds in durian may help lower cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of atherosclerosis, or the hardening of the arteries.
  • Fight infection. The rind contains antibacterial and anti-yeast properties.
  • Lower blood sugar. Durian has a lower glycemic index than other tropical fruits, meaning it may lead to a lower blood sugar spike. It may also prevent some glucose from being absorbed and stimulate insulin to be released.

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Opinions are mixed about durian's smell. Some people love it, others hate it.
The smell is very strong and has been described as a combination of roasted and rotting onion, sulfur, sewage, fruit and honey.
A study analyzed the aromatic compounds in durian and found 44 active compounds, including ones that contribute to scents of skunk, caramel, rotten egg, fruit and soup seasoning (4).
So potent is the fruit's smell that it's forbidden from many hotel rooms and public transport systems in Southeast Asia.


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